Eddie, Spencer and Ann White own and operate Fish Hard Industries. Traveling the country year in and year out attending shows, putting on and fishing tournaments has become a big part of their lively hood. Hailing from Montana and specializing in channel catfishing they have worked hard to become nationally recognized anglers and look forward to meeting more and more of the fishing families. We at Ping-A-T are proud to have them part of are team.
We are proud to add Justin Fisher to are Ping-A-T team this year. Justin Fisher is an avid catfisherman and tournament angler out of N.E. Ohio. He has been fishing competitively for the last 5 years as well as being co-owner of Tackling Kats, a terminal tackle company that sells hooks,swivels, etc. made in the U.S.A. He also manages Buckeye State K.A.T.S. in his home state of Ohio putting on 3 tournaments through out the year.